río embudo birds

A list of birds that are present all year.

Number of species to date: 64

Note that there is variation dependent upon elevation.

Resident: Present all year and breeds here.

Abundance classes:
Common: Certain to be seen in suitable habitat and proper season.
Uncommon: Present (and seen regularly), but not certain to be seen even in suitable habitat and proper season.
Occasional: Present, but seen only a few times in a season.
Rare: Unusual, seen only every 2 to 5 years.
+ : Seeing these birds (mostly vagrants) is highly unusual.

Clicking on the English Name will take you to Cornell Lab of Ornithology's All About Birds Site. (Remote site opens in new window)

Clicking on the Latin Name will take you to the USGS Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter. (Remote site opens in new window)

English Name:Genus species:Occurrence:Abundance...
Swans, Geese and Ducks
Wood DuckAix sponsaResidentU…
MallardAnas platyrhynchosResidentC…
Upland Game Birds
Ring-necked PheasantPhasianus colchicusResidentR…
Blue GrouseDendragapus obscurusResident: HighlandsO…
Wild TurkeyMeleagris gallopavoResidentR…
Scaled QuailCallipepla squamataResidentR…
Pied-billed GrebePodilymbus podicepsResidentR…
Medium to Large Waterbirds: Pelicans and their Allies
Long-legged Wading Birds
Great Blue HeronArdea herodiasResidentU…
Diurnal Raptors: Vultures, Eagles, Hawks and Falcons
Sharp-shinned HawkAccipiter striatusResidentO…
Cooper’s HawkAccipiter cooperiiResidentU…
Northern GoshawkAccipiter gentilisResidentR…
Red-tailed HawkButeo jamaicensisResidentU…
Golden EagleAquila chrysaetosResidentR…
American KestrelFalco sparveriusResidentU…
Peregrine FalconFalco peregrinusResidentR…
Gruiformes: Coots, Cranes and Rails
American CootFulica americanaResidentO…
Smaller Wading Birds
Gulls, Terns and Skimmers
Pigeons and Doves
Rock PigeonColumba liviaResidentC…
Eurasian Collared-DoveStreptopelia decaoctoResidentO…
Mourning DoveZenaida macrouraResidentU…
Cuckoos and their Allies
Greater RoadrunnerGeococcyx californianusResidentR…
Nocturnal Raptors: Owls
Barn OwlTyto albaResident+…
Western Screech-OwlMegascops kennicottiiResidentR…
Great Horned OwlBubo virginianusResidentU…
Northern Pygmy-OwlGlaucidium gnomaResidentR…
Nightjars, Nighthawks and Swifts
Belted KingfisherCeryle alcyonResidentU…
Lewis’s WoodpeckerMelanerpes lewisResidentU…
Ladder-backed WoodpeckerPicoides scalarisResidentU…
Downy WoodpeckerPicoides pubescensResidentU…
Hairy WoodpeckerPicoides villosusResidentU…
Northern FlickerColaptes auratusResidentC…
Tyrant Flycatchers
Shrikes and Vireos
Loggerhead ShrikeLanius ludovicianusResidentR…
Jays, Crows and their Allies
Gray JayPerisoreus canadensisResident: HighlandsU…
Steller’s JayCyanocitta stelleriResident: HighlandsC…
Western Scrub-JayAphelocoma californicaResidentC…
Pinyon JayGymnorhinus cyanocephalusResidentU…
Clark’s NutcrackerNucifraga columbianaResident: HighlandsU…
Black-billed MagpiePica hudsoniaResidentC…
American CrowCorvus brachyrhynchosResidentC…
Common RavenCorvus coraxResidentC…
Chickadees and their Allies
Black-capped ChickadeePoecile atricapillusResidentC…
Juniper TitmouseBaeolophus ridgwayiResidentC…
BushtitPsaltriparus minimusResidentU…
Nuthatches and Creepers
Red-breasted NuthatchSitta canadensisResident: HighlandsU…
White-breasted NuthatchSitta carolinensisResidentC…
Pygmy NuthatchSitta pygmaeaResident: HighlandsC…
Rock WrenSalpinctes obsoletusResidentU…
Canyon WrenCatherpes mexicanusResidentU…
Bewick’s WrenThryomanes bewickiiResidentU…
American DipperCinclus mexicanusResidentU…
Kinglets and Gnatcatchers
Golden-crowned KingletRegulus satrapaResidentR…
Ruby-crowned KingletRegulus calendulaResidentU…
Thrushes and their Allies
Western BluebirdSialia mexicanaResidentC…
Mountain BluebirdSialia currucoidesResidentU…
American RobinTurdus migratoriusResidentC…
Mimids "Mimic Thrushes"
Starlings and Mynas
European StarlingSturnus vulgarisResidentC…
Wagtails and Pipits
Spotted TowheePipilo maculatusResidentC…
Canyon TowheePipilo fuscusResidentU…
Sparrows and their Allies
Rufous-crowned SparrowAimophila ruficepsResident?…
Song SparrowMelospiza melodiaResidentC…
Icterids: Blackbirds, Orioles and their Allies
Red-winged BlackbirdAgelaius phoeniceusResidentU…
Finches and Old World Sparrows
House FinchCarpodacus mexicanusResidentC…
Pine SiskinCarduelis pinusResidentC…
Evening GrosbeakCoccothraustes vespertinusResidentU…
House SparrowPasser domesticusResidentC