This American Dipper(Cinclus mexicanus) fledgling was begging for food in the Rio Embudo in Dixon on May 13, 2011. As one of its parents came near carrying food, the fledgling's intensity increases dramatically. Dippers are seen here regularly all winter, but I have observed pairs breeding here only a few times. Generally, they have left for higher altitudes by this time of the year.
May 6, 2011:
This was my first sighting of the Western Tanager(Piranga ludoviciana) this spring. This male was eating at the top of a cottonwood tree in El Bosque in Dixon. It worked its way across the top of two large trees before I continued my walk.
Large numbers of this species will be passing through northern New Mexico in the next few weeks. Some will stay in the higher elevations to breed, but many will continue their journey to locations further north.
Read more about this migrant.See photo of the female.
May 5, 2011:
There have been many more Mourning Dove(Zenaida macroura) than usual this spring in Dixon. In most springs I see them occasionally. This year they are almost constantly present.
I see four or five anytime I go for a walk and hear them calling in the distance regularly.
This pair was sitting on a branch at the bottom of the late Nausika Richardson's field.
April 13, 2011
This Northern Flicker(Colaptes auratus) was calling and hammering on Lupita Road
in Santa Fe, NM on April 13, 2011. He was using the stove pipe to amplify the sound of his hammering.
I have been seeing Evening Grosbeaks all over Santa Fe. They are particularly drawn to the seeds of the invasive elms. Last week I
also observed them in Dixon where a flock of more than 60 of them were feeding in El Bosque along the Río Embudo.
The Spotted Towhee(Pipilo maculatus) spends its winter down on the ground, tossing leaves around looking for food.
In late winter, the males start to sing
from low trees. On March 3, 2011, this one was singing at the edge of the Santa Fe Canyon Preserve on Upper
Canyon Road in Santa Fe. This song is common all over northern NM in the spring and summer.
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